Herbal medicine has been an age long tradition for the treatment and curing of diseases globally. Previous studies
on telediagnostic and prescription of orthodox medicine have been examined using the application of modern
technology device to improve health care services. In spite of this, there is yet an exhaustive study on the
integration of technological framework for telediagnosis and prescription in herbal medicine. Therefore, this
research focused on development of collaborative teleconsultation and telediagnosis in sharing of information on
herbal medication for patients in remote areas to improve healthcare delivery. WAVA based collaborative
framework was designed for telediagnosis and prescription in herbal medicine, it has multimedia features for
videoconferencing, and ability to record, capture and replay consultations with the capacity for edit, data
compression and short messages (sms) between the teleconsultants. The framework study the propagation time,
link media delay, packet loss, processing delay between all (tele-herbal consultant 1, 2, 3ˇKn) connected to the
system. Each herbal tele-consultant was aloted with peer IP address in order to join the telediagnosis
videoconference from their remote areas. The framework displays paradigms for data acquisition on herbal
medications, video-recording, and imagery of patients. The integration of this collaborative framework enhanced
telediagnosis of patients with better prescriptions on effective herbal drugs for speedy recovery.
Keywords: - Collaboration, WAVA, Telediagnosis, Prescription, Transmission, Packet loss, Herbal Practitioners