Optical technologies are ubiquitous in telecommunications networks and systems, providing multiple wavelength
channels of transport at 2.5 Gbit/sec to 40 Gbit/sec data rates over single fiber optic cables. Market pressures continue
to drive the number of wavelength channels per fiber and the data rate per channel. This trend will continue for many
years to come as electronic commerce grows and enterprises demand higher and reliable bandwidth over long distances.
Electronic commerce, in turn, is driving the growth curves for single processor and multiprocessor performance in data
base transaction and Web based servers. Ironically, the insatiable taste for enterprise network bandwidth, which has
driven up the volume and pushed down the price of optical components for telecommunications is simultaneously
stressing computer system bandwidth increasing the need for new interconnection schemes and providing for the first
time commercial opportunities for optical components in computer systems. The evolution of integrated circuit
technology is causing system designs to move towards communication based architectures. We have presented the
current tends of high performance system capacity of optical interconnection data transmission link in high performance
optical communication and computing systems over wide range of the affecting parameters.
Keywords: - Optical fiber link, High speed optical interconnection, Integrated optics, Optical source, Optical detector.