Privacy and security are the main concern of any social media networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter Instagram and LinkedIn etc. The primary purpose of these sites is to allow people to share interests, activities, real-life connections. Nowadays social networking sites are the main source of communication and on the other hand these sites are the peak targets for misusing the data and information. This is the fact that the maximum numbers of users are not aware about cyber threats and their lack of knowledge leads to further increase in cyber-crimes is a major challenge. Users should aware in the concerned of security and privacy during creating the account on social media, to read the instruction and follow it. There is some setting in social media platform to secure the message and share to only authorize users. Various governments and businesses are taking a variety of steps to combat cybercrime. Despite many steps, cyber security remains a major issue for many people. This paper focuses on the issues that cyber security faces in the modern era. It also covers the most up-to-date information on cyber security tactics, ethics, and trends that are transforming the face of cyber security.

Keywords: - Data privacy, cyber security, cyber crime, cyber ethics, social media, cloud computing