In current days an effective design of WSN has became a leading area of research with the wide application of WSN, data transmission in network becoming a more hot research topic. The biggest challenge is to transmit the data from source to sink node securely. The main disadvantage in WSN is they have limited resources, cluster network have been proposed by many researchers to reduce the energy load & reduces the overhead in the network to increase the network life time. The SLEACH is the modified version of LEACH is a clustering selection method that provides an effective way to minimize the energy utilization along with providing security to the WSN, but still energy efficient for SLEACH is not up to the mark and it doesn’t guarantee confidentiality, availability and secure transmission of data from one end to another end. This paper introduces a lightweight Secure data authentication scheme (LWSDAS) which is based on Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) to provide integrity, confidentiality, authentication & data aggregation and it is also capable to protect against attacks. The proposed work is more energy efficient over SLEACH. The results of simulation shows that the proposed work is more advantageous than SLEACH, considering parameter like end to end delay ,energy overhead, packet delivery ratio and overall it is up to 7-10% far better than SLEACH algorithm.

Keywords: - WSN, SLEACH, Clustered, Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Lightweight polynomial secret key (LWPK)